Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday Inspirations- NY Gift Fair

So now that I've had a chance to sift through the huge pile of business cards ect. that I acquired at the gift fair last Mon...

here's my favs!

Resource Revival! They make tons of cool stuff for your house: picture frames, storage and my favorite- the clocks! And you can send them your old bike parts for reuse:


Check out their website: Really great bags all made from repurposed materials. There's the Soccer Ball Bag (which is literally a soccer ball turned inside out!), the Hot Water Bottle Bag, and tons more. Very creative reuses! The Lederhosen bags are adorable.


Jewelry made from parts from electronics, diodes, resisters ect. by Melissa Kolbusz. It might be my computer being slow but I can't seem to get to their webpage: But when I googled wired + Melissa Kolbusz a few other sites popped up with pics so check em out! She does a great job making electronics look gorgeous.

Beth Mueller

I love Beth Mueller's simple ceramics with their cute illustrations. My friend Tiffany got to talk with her once and she said when she's making her illustrations she' all about doing just enough but not too much. Simplicity!

DB Clay

DB Clay's wallets are good lookin' and eco friendly! They've developed a material called "Tope" that has a similar texture to vinyl canvas but contains no PVC and decomposes when buried. They print artwork and photographs on their wallets using environmentally friendly inks.

Tair Mercier

I love love these prints by Tair Mercier. They're printed on polypropylene and they're just really fun to layerover each other, you can't go wrong because they're all so pretty! I just checked out his website,, and I also happened to notice he put a pic up of his 2CV, and I'm not a car person I'm more of biking/public trans kinda girl, HOWEVER, that car is gorgeous so check it out.

Melissa Borrell Design

She had these really awesome plastic "pop-out" earrings and pendants at the show. They come in fun packaging, a plastic sheet that you pop 'em out of to wear. There's a much bigger variety of beautiful jewelry on her site:


These screens/partions are pretty cool. They're a "3d textile" made from polyester. The shapes are really cool and the hardware to put them up is nice and simple.


If you're a textile design junkie like me you're gonna like this one: They've developed a process called "kemuri" in which their textiles are hand pressed in order to make them super light but still extremely strong.

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